Here is a brief summary of some of the main careers available.
Zookeepers are employed by a zoo or aquarium, where they manage and befriend the animals on display.
Zoo Curators are responsible for acquiring animals for zoos, either through breeding programs, through purchase from other zoos, or very occasionally from the wild.
Animal and Wildlife Educators work in a public venue, such as a sanctuary, museum or aquarium, the educator creates a range of materials that help visitors to understand the wildlife they are seeing.
Wildlife Rehabilitaters care for ill, injured or orphaned wild animals that have been damaged by bush fires, oil spills, or other major disasters. They are responsible for then releasing the animals back into the wild.
Animal Behaviourists train zoo employees how to interact with and successfully care for animals. They are usually trained in ethology (the study of animal behaviour in natural habitats) and have had direct experience working with animals themselves.
Conservationist work for conservation agencies, reporting on what is impacting on a particular species' survival or on a region's ecosystem.
Researchers conduct research in private organisations or in university departments, where they also teach students.
Thanks, I found what I was looking for, though.
What are working conditions like? What do you do with a Masters in zoology or ethology? ONLY give me answers for Masters. I don't want to see or hear about Bachelors.