> Cant afford Conure food?

Cant afford Conure food?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
No tinned fruit in the cupboard or freezer?

Veges in the freezer?

Cereal in the cupboard?

What foods do you have for yourself?

I find it hard to believe parents would leave a child alone who cannot write a coherent sentence. If this post is true call 911 and tell them you have no food or transportation. If it is not true---go clean your room.

Why can't your parents put money in your paypal?

hi i live far out in the country and i wake up to get some food for my sun conure and i found some rats ate it all and so i freak out and my parents are in hawaii or how ever its spelled and im in the country and its far to walk to get any food for my bird and i dont have any money my parents said there money is in the bank so they dont keep a secret stash also and i only have 33 cents and i have no neighbors i have a visa gift card that has 2 bucks i called the nearest store if they can deliver my some eggs so i can hard boil them they said cheapest eggs they have is 5$ plus tax and dont deliver my bird has been 6 hours without food and he wont step up on my finger any more and i dont have ANY fruits or veggies to feed it only water and my parents come home in 3 days and my phone charger fking broke so i cant call any one whos willing to drive 50 minutes to get to me i went in my parents garden and no tomatoes or any food has sprouted yet and i took a small walk looking for maybe a wild apple tree for now or a sunflower to get some seeds but i didnt have any luck my parents left me and bought me tons of mac and cheese and things like tv dinners and some juice but its expired i would ask for some one to put money in my paypal so i can ride my bike and with draw it from the bank and pay em later but i dont want any one to think im a troll please help me im in a bad position thanks!