Sedge wren, will occasionally, mimics what you have
and loosely fits within the habitat. Others like Nightjars(description doubtful),
Dunnock, Robins, Nightingale, Reed warbler, couple others like
Song thrush and Corncrake will, range & rarity problematic
Frogs & insects are a possibility
In these past two weeks I have heard a high-pitched 'HE-he...........................HE-he' on two separate occasions. The first was when I was camping in the south west of England, I was in a wooded area and was very close to a lake, on both occasions that I have heard this call it has been nighttime, in this instance I think it was at around 3am. The second time I heard this bird was at around 11 tonight in a wooded area near my house in a small south westerly town. If anyone has any idea what bird this may have been I would be very grateful, thank you. :)
I am not entirely sure this is the correct category for this question, if not could someone tell me where to post this? Thanks.