There are a few species like wolf spiders that can see quite well in the dark, but most spiders have poor eyesight, and rely on sensitive hairs and spines for feel. Web dwelling spiders rely on vibrations in their web to detect prey.
A huntsman spider, for example, has very sensitive hairs on its legs, and can even feel a moth flying nearby. they could catch a moth in total darkness.
I usually happen to find spiders in like the back of my basement, nobody goes down there really so it's obviously very dark most of the time, I found one in the corner of my bathroom also, I remember playing basketball one night, the ball rolled to the side of my house, it's was kind of dark but I could see, I picked up the ball and a big orb weaver was building a web in front of me, so my question is can they see in the dark? I would think Yes, how could they build a web somewhere they can't see?
Btw, how long can spiders go without food? I saw the one in my bathroom eating a moth, so how long could it go after that?