> Can someone tell me what kind of spider this is?

Can someone tell me what kind of spider this is?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The size is about 2.5-3 inches with legs. It was in my house.

Sure looks like a Wolf Spider to me, although I'm not sure what kind. The big dark front legs are often found in male Wolfs, as some species use them for "friend, not food" displays. I'm not aware that any of the Agelenids (Grass Spiders) have that.

Todd, these are called rabid wolf spiders for their genus and species, Rabidosa rabida.

Quite harmless and a bit skittish with hands.

They are outdoor spiders and sometimes accidentally wander inside.

Just catch them in a wide cup(I use deli trays or hands) and release them outside.

They do resemble grass spiders, but this genus of wolf spider can get significantly larger:


(if you want to get familiar with these, they make good pet spiders.)

It looks like a grass spider I see all the time in the Southeast. Heres a website: http://www.termite.com/spider-identifica...

I disagree with grass spider. That is a rabid wolf spider (Rabidosa sp). I'm not sure why they're called "rabid". They're harmless.



Since everyone pretty much has it covered, I will add that I caught one yesterday, and a large one at that.

(not the one from yesterday:)

The size is about 2.5-3 inches with legs. It was in my house.