> Can somebody identify these bugs please?

Can somebody identify these bugs please?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The one near that peat cup or whatever that is in the second pictures looks like it could be a bed bug but it isn't clear enough to be sure. The others don't seem to be. The antenna are too long and they don't look right.

The insect in the first photo is a psocid, also called a booklouse. The second photo is too small and blurry for me to guess at.

Don't think it's bedbugs. Pic is really too small to tell but could be a small roach? Might even be some sort of carpet beetle?

bigger pictures



After a year of living in one house I have started noticing these bastards. My very first guess would be bed bugs, because I first spotted them on my suitcases that were under my bed.

When I showed one example to my housemates they didn't seem surprised and said they've been finding these in their previous house too. They were reluctant to call these bed bugs.

Would anyone be able to help please?