> Can insects, spider and spider related creatures carry rabies?

Can insects, spider and spider related creatures carry rabies?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
There are only a few arthropods that may be vectors of pathogens or diseases, typically mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. (the blood suckers.)

Spiders are a rather clean sort, and not known vectors of such diseases.

Rabies are not transferred by arthropods according to studies, but smaller animals like rodents, bats, and other small vertebrate animals can be carriers of the virus.

No. Only mammals can carry rabies.

Hello there. I am responding to your question "Can insects, spider and spider related creatures carry rabies?". No. Have a pleasant day.

Only mammals can carry rabies.

i just saw a medical tv show about a person who died from rabies and we found out that she might have been bitten while camping in a forest and got rabies. Well I do my fair share of camping and the only creature that bite me are insects a lot of insects can they carry rabies?