> Can chickens and ducks be kept together?

Can chickens and ducks be kept together?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Would chickens and ducks be ok if they are kept together? Like if they are together since they were really little, maybe even from the time they hatch?

yes they can but make sure the water is higher up for the the ducks as they make such a mess with the water when eating also make sure you have some kind of pool, or a baby's bath I wouldn't recommened to have a drake as it will try to mate with your hen's.

peking ducks don't like to get there feet dirty they also eat the any duck will eat the same food such as layer pellets but ducks like to forage for most of there own food.

they can sleep in the same coop

They can be kept together if you don't have any drakes and I don't know about roosters, but drakes can injure the female chickens. Also when they start eating chick starter you can't feed them medicated feed like you can for chickens. I don't know a lot about chickens, but I know for a duck you would start the ducklings on 20% protein for 3 weeks then 17-18% protein at 3 weeks. I don't know if chicks need this, but you should give ducklings niacin from 0-8 weeks of age. You can dissolve 100mg niacin in 1 gallon of water. I hope I helped.

Yes, but make sure you don't get aggressive breeds of ducks or chickens. Ducks will sit on top and peck the chickens to death, sometimes even drowning them in water. Roosters can also do their own harm to the ducks.

If you have any aggressive duck or chicken, best to get rid of it or eat it.

Would chickens and ducks be ok if they are kept together? Like if they are together since they were really little, maybe even from the time they hatch?