Poisonous applies to consumption, and venom implied injection. Venoms are really complicated protein molecules that are harmless when ingested through the digestive tract. Most injected stuff is venom, though I guess you could inject poison too.
By your description and location, I can definitely tell you that your spider is not dangerous.
If you want to try an ID yourself, check out this website:
It has a lot more pictures that the Penn state one.
Well, the bands on the legs suggest tis is one of the harmless garden orb weavers.
They do usually hide by day, and come out at night and make those fancy webs.
I would have to see your little friend to say what species it is, but all of these spiders are beneficial, one of my favorite spiders. You can sift through these for a close match, but keep in mind, colors and patterns can vary widely.
Here is just one species called a shamrock orb weaver, and give you an idea of how harmless orb weavers are:
Marbled orb weaver?
The spider was the biggest I've ever seen. It was a reddish-orange color and the abdomen was black and white (like a checkerboard pattern). The legs had rings on them that were a slightly darker color then the body. It made a web outside my house, and the web was average size even though the spider was huge.
I've been living in this area for over 10 years and I've never seen one of these before. I checked Penn State's website and another website that had images of spiders found in PA, but nothing matches. Does anyone know what this is?
More information: It looks poisonous. I live in the mountains, lots of trees and grass. The spider seemed to be catching small bugs in its web. It is now hiding in a small crevice under our roof. We found it at night.