> Can anyone help me with cockatiel?

Can anyone help me with cockatiel?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Put your hand into the cage with your finger out like a perch. He will jump on the side of the cage but leave your hand there for about ten minutes and talk gentley to him. Don't try and bring your hand close to him just leave it sitting there. Do this a couple of times a day for a few days until he just sits on his perch and doesn't jump on the side of the cage. When he sits on his perch, move your finger closer to him, just a bit and continue to talk to him, leave it there for another while then take it out and do it again later. He will start to see that your not a threat. After a few days and when he's just sitting there watching you put your finger at his feet and leave it there, after a while he will lift his leg onto your finger, when he does this, don't take him out immediatly just let him sit on you in the cage then put him back on his perch. Again, do this a couple of times a day. When he's used to sitting on your finger, slowly take him out of the cage. You just need patients.

I need help on my baby cockatiel I have had him for 3 days he's only 5 months. When I try to get him out of the cage he climbs on the cage. I already watch every training video and read online on how to tame him. Please help me thanks.