> Can a woodchuck chuck wood?

Can a woodchuck chuck wood?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I need to know for a friend.

Also, if there are any experts out there, if such a thing is possible how much would you say it could?

Yes, they can.

Woodchuck is just another name for groundhog. It is derived from the Algonquin language, which calls them the wuchak. So, actually, woodchucks are called woodchucks for reasons that have nothing to do with woodchucking.

HOWEVER, omnivorous groundhogs peel back the bark from trees to eat insects, tossing the wood aside as they do so. Their maximum woodchucking distance and volume correlates to their digging habits. Since a woodchuck lives in a burrow of approximately 1m cubed, they need to move 5500 lbs of soil to make their home. This is considerable power.

A groundhog doesn't have much arm strength, so its maximum chuck is about 1/2 pound. However, it makes up for this with speed, chucking ten pounds of ground/wood in a few short minutes. That is only an estimate however. Below is a video where a groundhog chucks a bit of dirt a sizeable distance in the early part.

So the maximum single chuck is about 1/2 lb. But over a few days, if they desired to, they could theoretically chuck 5500 lbs of wood [if it was cut up into small pieces].

NO! A woodchuck can not chuck wood! It's all a bunch of propaganda lies that the woodchucks made up to make themselves look strong! Woodchucks are actually lame, weaklings who cant even pick up dust let alone wood! Please believe me! You must not be taken into the dark side!

no, they don't have any thumbs or fingers.

I need to know for a friend.

Also, if there are any experts out there, if such a thing is possible how much would you say it could?