> Can a poisonous animal be poisoned by a foreign venom?

Can a poisonous animal be poisoned by a foreign venom?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
By that i mean can a poisonous creature such as a snake be poisoned by something like a Gila Monster or a foreign breed of snake?

Of course! And I think you mean venomous animal. Here is a fun fact: if you bite it and you die, the animal is poisonous. If the animal bites you and you die, the animal is venomous.

yes and its this fact that many snake species have a rather bizarre form of combat, male snakes competing for females body slam each other, if they used their lethal weapons, their fangs, both participants may end up dead.


By that i mean can a poisonous creature such as a snake be poisoned by something like a Gila Monster or a foreign breed of snake?