> Can I save unhatched baby robin eggs?

Can I save unhatched baby robin eggs?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Yes, but I prefer them scrambled.

(I'm kidding)

I see no reason how anyone could stop you from hatching them. You really need to keep them in a tray on some mulch bedding, with a light bulb on them 24/7 for warmth. Then you might have a chance. It will be a lot of work. Get some worms for a fishing supply, or start digging.

Unfortunately, it's already too late to put them back for the other parent, who will have already flown the coop. You are now going to be the proud parent.

btw, bad doggie -).

That is actually more of a cat thing.

I hope you are not trying to hatch malted robin eggs, leftover's from Easter .

I'm sorry to tell you this, but after I looked up the answer, i found out it's really hard to take care of the babies after they hatch, if they hatch during the 14-16 days it's supposed to take. It's also against the law in the U.S. to take care of most wild birds, including robins. Only fair shot they have is that both parents take care of the eggs, and since one is gone, one may still try to. If not, you just may have to accept the loss of the birds. A lot of the answers I found are in the pages I linked. If you were to even try, you would probably need an incubator to keep the temp at a steady 104 and turning them every so often. If it's possible to put the eggs back, and rebuild the nest., you should do it as quickly as possible as to not offend the remaining parent. (should there be one still around.)




I don't know for sure. I'm sorry no one is answering my questions in this category and I need help . I'm sorry I couldn't help more. I think you could save them.

I dont know, check out my question

My dog killed a mother robin whose nest was in our shrubbery, I found the nest with 4 eggs.. Could I put them under a heat lamp until they hatch and then feed them until they can fledge?

Is this idea low percentage, no percentage, some chance??

I have them about 12 inches from a desk lamp and inside to keep them warm..