> Button quail late hatching help.?

Button quail late hatching help.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If there are any weird brownish spots on the sides, then that is mold and the bird is dead. If not that then it could be a did/ just taking a little extra time.

It's day 22 and no piping, the eggs are however moving. How much longer can they go? There are no funky/weird smells. They came from my own pair so the were not ordered.

I put them in a home made incubator on 6/6 day 0 (I did have problems at first with temp and humidity and I know that can make them take longer) and later moved into a Brinsea Mini Advance Hatching Egg Incubator on 6/12. I had the humidity between 50%-60% and raised it 10%-15% and stopped turning 3 days before the 16th day. I know I will have to get used to losses as best I can if I hatch more.

I thought I did enough research for hatching eggs but there is a lot out there and they all say something different.