> Bumble bees!!!?

Bumble bees!!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
you dumb *** just keep ur windows shut.

About all you can do is to keep doors and windows closed, or have screens in good order.

All of the insects in the Hymenoptera order are attracted to things that smell sweet.

Some air fresheners may even draw bees/wasps inside.

I don't know of anything that repels them, you might try deet.

Bumblebees are one of my favorite bees, and cute when they are still small.

I attract them onto my hands with honey or sugar water and let them drink from my hand.

Colony lives and works instinctively and acting upon information received from instiktite nature, climate, bee pasture, pheromones they receive from the queen bed, the young bees from the honeycomb, the size and shape of the space it is located and t. N..

There is a tree right by my house and there is a lot of bumble bees flying around. I don't really mind them but I just dont want them to keep on flying into my room (I'm not a big fan of bugs...). How can I possibly prevent them from flying into my house. I don't wanna kill them, I just don;t want them inside my house. Is there any specific smell that they hate that I could simply spray my window frames with. I know that spiders hate peppermint... Is there something that bumble bees hate?