Remember budgies Do Not need nesting material if you have this in your nest box this could deter the hen from laying , all that is required is what is known as a concave , which can be bought from most pet stores, I f your hen is molt , this will prevent her from being fit and going to nest.
Avian Care Consultant and Ex breeder with over 50 years experience.
My female budgie has been going in the nest box for weeks before she mated with the male and laid eggs. I would give them celery and lettuce, also you need a iodine block calcium block and charcoal block or some source of these 3 things. it is important to make sure they are healthy and don't breed them more than 3 times a year as this weakens them and their future chicks resulting in deformities and other problems.
I have recently placed my budgies in the breeding cage after 1 month they finally bonded and got into breeding condition , and about a 1 week ago the female entered the nest box and the male every once in a while would go inside to feed her and come back out , but whenever the female come's out of the nest box all the male does is follow her around and preen her he doesn't court with her or anything else .