Hope this helps!
I have had a parakeet (Male, 6 months) for 4 months now and his name is Disco. I love him very much. i decided, since i'm about to get out of school and I will be around more that I would get a second parakeet. So I got a young female, 3 month old, Dolly. Will disco ignore me? He usually sings to me and kisses me and flies to me but I'm scared about him falling in love with her and ignoring me. She's in smaller cage but they've met. They sat there looking at each other and singing for a good 7 minuted before i put him away.
I can still take her back but... How do i train her? She is not clipped. When I merge cages, will disco hate me? Will it be possible to train her at all?
Btw, I'm not providing a nesting box or anything so will she try to lay eggs? I'm worried.