> Budgie bonding is it to late?

Budgie bonding is it to late?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
When i come home he gets all happy and starts flying around he even starts singing when i sing to him I've been trying for a month now just to get him to take a treat he will bite my finger and avoid the food all together could it be the treat?

It is not to late to bond with your bird. It may not be as close as a hand fed bird, but you can still bond with the bird, it may take more time and more patience but it can be done.

I got my budgie (Angel) for Valentines day this year i start watching videos and did not know i could have a close bond like that with him and i would love to but he doesn't seem to understand why i all the sudden started putting my hand in his cage and he trys to bite is it to late to bond with him should i just get him a friend?