> Budgie attacks for no reason?

Budgie attacks for no reason?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
hese bites hurt! He's drawing blood now

I think all birds do this. My cockatiels do. I don't know why, luckily they don't hurt.


I have a year old budgie and I have had him since October. He was a friendly budgie, always staying with me and loves his head scratches and sitting on my shoulder etc. But recently, he has started attacking my hand for no apparent reason. He could be sitting there and then just bite me. I do nothing to provoke him, and nothing I do prevents him from biting.

If he carries on, he will have to go, and I really want to prevent this.

I've tried starting over, i.e. hand taming etc but even when I go into his cage, he still tries to attack me, even if I'm just swapping a toy, changing food etc.

Any recommendations?

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