> Brown Recluse?

Brown Recluse?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
That appears to be a cobweb spider called Steatoda triangulosa. Like almost all spiders, it's quite harmless. As for Brown Recluses, they're one of the most misidentified spider on Earth - almost any brown spider gets called a Brown Recluse, no matter how different it might be from a real Recluse. If you ever think you have one, get a photo of it (alive or dead) with the legs spread out so we can see the 'back'. ad then post it up here. A real Recluse is pretty obvious. Hoover's link takes you to an absolutely terrible "ID guide" which apparently was done by somebody who had never seen a real Brown Recluse and hadn't bothered to even look at photos of a real one. this link is more helpful. Notice the general plain-ness of the spider - the only significant marking is the relatively dark 'fiddle' on the light-colored 'head end'. The three pairs of eyes are curved around the 'base' of the 'fiddle' at the front of the 'head'. The spider doesn't look hairy, and the unmarked greyish or tannish abdomen is rather bulbous and egg-shaped instead of looking pointed or ball-shaped. The legs are long, smooth and not striped or banded.


All I know is that I've been bitten by one before and it could have killed me. They hide in shoes and will bite you. I had my big toe bitten and could see a red line going up one of my veins. Anyways, here's a good site to help you identify it. The picture is too grainy and not close enough.


I usually capture and release the little critters I find in my home, although after recently running into what I'm pretty sure was a Brown Recluse, I'm constantly worried I'll find another. My first thought when I saw this one was the same thing, but the color of it's back has me unsure. Anyone know what kind this is? Apologies for the bad picture, I couldn't get a decent one.