> Bright Orange and Black bug identification?

Bright Orange and Black bug identification?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Hard to be sure without a picture, but it sounds like one of the wasps frm Family Mutillidae, which are solitary flightless wasps often referred to as "cow killer ants," or "red velvet ants." See link below for photos to see if they're similar to what you saw. If so, don't try to pick one up except vvith a net or jar, they have a nasty sting.



Maybe some kind of beetle. Do an image search for" black striped orange striped beetle"

yeah its a velvet ant they are made of adamantium or somthing too they are very hard too kill

I live in Illinois. I this bug on my back porch. Or rather, in the grass next to my porch. It was bigger than most bugs, was not a spider from the looks of it.. But it was Bright, very pretty, orange striped with black stripes. Black legs. It looked fuzzy, almost like a bee. But it had no wings from what I could see. And I looked at it for awhile. I've NEVER seen a bug like it. Thank you for your time to answer!