> Bought a Conure from Petsmart?

Bought a Conure from Petsmart?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It's seems that it was an impulsive buy. Hopefully I'm wrong because a bird is a big commitment. A 25+ year commitment that I hope you will follow through with if not then yes return him ASAP because then you will just shove him in some rescue. But if your serious then I suggest giving him time to adjust. Birds are wild animals and sometimes nip out of fear or excitement. You want to work with him 5+ hours a day training him, teaching him, and bonding with him. Just because he is nippy has nothing to do with the store you bought him at because all birds can be nippy Its up to you to change that behavior. Remember a bird is a big commitment, so if you do decide to keep him work hard and the reward is great.

I just bought a GCC at petsmart and I am worried I should have not done that. Recently I have read that I shouldn't buy from petsmart. I mean the bird so far seems nice and he is very beautiful, but he is a bit nippy and boy gets really aggressive with shreddable toys. Are thesd bad signd? Should I return him?