> Bird training?

Bird training?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
My bird is clicker trained but still bites when i try to step up with him .what should i do

you need to let him trust you.......what you can do is restrict his food for a bit and let him get a little hungry place the food in your hand and this will force him to come onto your hand for food and in due time he will start to trust you and associate your hand with food.....but dont let him starve so dont keep his normal food away for too long.......

It's been years since I've owned any birds, but when my bird bit me, I flicked his beak and put him back in his cage. After a while, he got the picture.

When he tries to bite twist your hand but make sure he doesnt fall. And he will learn not to bite.

good luck!

My bird is clicker trained but still bites when i try to step up with him .what should i do