> Bird Superstition?

Bird Superstition?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Where does this garbage come from? . Tell your uncle he is full of red pepper. . Stupid superstitions can make your life miserable. Birds die. People die. People that don't even have birds do not have death wishes whether or not red peppers are around. If your uncle is happy with red pepper around, fine. This is not something that will change his life unless he gets a good dose of pepper in his eye. Millions of people do not have peppers or red ribbons around their bird cages and nothing happens out of the ordinary. Don't let superstition rule your life.

Tip--- Capitalizing every word makes your post difficult to read.

My Uncle Told Me To Put A Red Pepper(Or Something Red Don't Really Remember What Though) Inside Or Tied Around My Birds Cage To Drive Away The Death Wish People Might Have On Them(Something Like That) . Anyone ever Heard Of This? I Really Wanna Do This But I'm Not Sure What I'm Supposed To do. He Loves His Birds Very Much Believe Me.