Barred rocks
Buff orphington
All of these are very good layers as in turn will produce meat as well
I made a deal with my father that I would get rid of our old dog kennel that's covered in silver lace and fix the sprinklers for him if he would let me keep chickens in our backyard. He agreed.
It will be a while before I can get any chickens because the silver lace is all over. I was out all day today trying to gut it back and I'm not even half way through, and then I have to fix sprinklers and get some grass growing, but I do have a few questions.
I was wondering what type of chicken to get.
I want something that I can get meat and eggs from and something that I can show in 4h. My dad wants Red Rangers but I don't know how well they would do in a backyard. Can someone recommend some breeds to me. Preferably a quieter breed. Our city ordinances don't say anything about crowing, but I just want to be safe.