> Baby cockatiel abandoned and needs food. Please help!?

Baby cockatiel abandoned and needs food. Please help!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 

I'm attaching a link that contains an emergency food recipe for baby cockatiels. the most important thing you need to do is keep the nany warm. If you have a heating pad, use it, but make sure that the heat does not reach excessive amounts. The second link I'm attaching gives an overview for emergency care.

Last month I bought two cockatiels with a nesting box some how the next day I found two eggs, by the end of the week I found six. After a month two eggs were put on the side and the next 2 days one egg was eaten. Today 2 more were eaten and 2 chicks hatched, after 3 hours the male killed one chick, so I took him out and suddenly the female refuses to feed the chick and is on a perch grooming. Please I don't want it to die help me.

Note: There is no vet near me, there is one but its closed.