The baby budgies i have bred have never really made much nosie except when mum feeds them. The mum will not leave them the first few weeks and the male feeds her enough for her needs and so she can fed the babies. Once the babies are old enough that they don't need brooding all the time she willl start spending more and time away from them and then both parents will start feeding them. At night when dark they will be quiet as the parents don't fed them.
Okay so its been 12 days since the first baby budgie hatched through these 12 days ive been hearing them chirp all day and all night ..but these two past days i havnt heaerd them that much at night ... i was just wondering if budgies stop chirping so much as they grow... or if they chirp when theyre getting fed... i really dont want to look to much in the nestbox so i dont disturb that okay?