> Baby bird nostril slightly bleeding.?

Baby bird nostril slightly bleeding.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
it kind of depends some animals/persons bleed for no important reasons but there are actually some probems that can cause it so if he keeps bleeding you might whant to get him checked up (thanks to you my faith in humanity is starting to grow ;) )

Poor birdie! If he is injured or bleeding at all you should get him to a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center or Sanctuary in your area as they can provide the bird with the proper, around the clock care that it needs. Just get on Google and search "Wildlife Rehabilitation Center" and the name of your nearest town. It is really hard to keep up with feedings for a wild baby bird, and in some places it is even illegal to keep them caged for any amount of time, even if you are just trying to help the bird. Do some research before you make the decision since this is your choice, the birdie's life is in your hands! Good luck!

I found a baby bird at the side of the road and it could only fly short distances. I put it in a cage and gave it water through a syringe. I made food for it with egg yolk and bread crumbs. The I noticed it was bleeding very very slightly out of one of its nostrils. It had its mouth open so I fed it the food. Should I worry about the nose or will the bleeding stop by itself?