> Are zebra finches mating or fighting?

Are zebra finches mating or fighting?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
hey are fighting, if i were you i would move the male or the female to another cage, although, if he isn't injuring her it might be somewhat okay. you might also consider trying to purchase another male zebra finch to see if they'll mate.

The male wants to mate ans the female doesn't.

So he decided he will kill her and get a new mate. I am serious.

Separate them before he kills her please.

Hello, I bought zebra finches three days ago. One is a male and the other one is a female. When I bought them I put hay In the cage and the male build a nest and started singing to the female. The female didn't pay attention and just ate food. Today the male is chasing the female and and I want to know if his trying to mate or fighting? The male doesn't seem like he wants to hurt her, because after that they are friends!