Can you tell me the name and weather or not they can attack people???
An American Robin (thrush species) will often fly at the proposed predator (you) instead of attempting to draw your attention away from their nest site by flying away from the nest. You may have come close, and they were simply threatening you to stay away from their young. They will not attack, nor could they cause you any harm. They are quite brave however, to take on a "Giant" predator (again, you) considering their small size. Such amazingly protective parents. Carry an umbrella, or wear a hat, choose a new path of travel for a few weeks until those babies fledge (grow enough to leave the nest)
Thrushes are small songbirds which generally eat worms, insects, snails, and other invertibrates they find while foraging on the ground, so they are carnivorous, but they weigh at most a few onces, so they are not dangerous to anybody larger than a garden slug.
Can you tell me the name and weather or not they can attack people???