> Are those birds ravens?

Are those birds ravens?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 

Telling the difference between crows and ravens requires more than a distance photo like this. Location of the shot may be important, as ravens only reside in certain areas. Also, the absolute BEST way to tell the difference is the voice / call of the bird, so an image isn't much help there, sorry. That said, there ARE some differences, although whether you can tell in this photo, I don't know.

? Lives in Western North America, Northeast, and mountains

? Very large bill

? Diamond-shaped tail

? 4 long, thin feather "fingers"

? Deep, croaking voice

? Length 27"; wingspan 46"


Grandfather is right yet somebody decided he deserved a thumbs down. They were wrong. Ravens are big bad *** birds. The birds in the picture appear to be crows to me as well

The beak size tells me that they're crows.

based on size and head shape and beak proportion, I think they're crows and not ravens.

ravens with wolves, for comparison: