> Are my budgies not happy? No sleep! Help!?

Are my budgies not happy? No sleep! Help!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Charles D. M. is right. you should follow his advice. if you cant, then like tea said, get headphones.

they can sleep with light on (the always sleep like that during the day at petstores) but not all budgies will be able to sleep with sounds. if you want your budgies to be happy, either put them in a dark room or get headphones.

Put them in a room that gets dark at Sundown and light at Sunup so the birds can sleep all the dark hours as they would in the wild. NO lights on, NO disturbances and NO exceptions. The length of the darkness will automatically match their needed sleep time for that part of the year.

Get headphones, that will eliminate the sound coming to them and keeping them up. Try not to cover the whole cage so they can get enough air to breathe. If you do not want to use headphones I suggest putting the cage in another room. My parrots sleep even with plenty of light around them and are perfectly happy but a loud TV next to them can keep them up, even scare them. Hope this helps :)

Hello! I recently got two budgies (male and female). I know that they should get 12 hours of sleep to be happy and healthy but they only get about 5. The problem is that I absolutely hate going to bed early. So I stay up to 2-5 in the morning. I have two PC monitors and speakers and usually watch videos/movies so there is a lot of light and sound in the room whick keeps them awake! I know that i can cover the cage to eliminate the light but what about the sound? What can I do to make them happy and not grumpy and sad. Most people suggest to cover the cage as a routine ate exactly the same time but what about the sound? I have speakers.