> Are birds good, affectionate pets?

Are birds good, affectionate pets?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Conures tend to be pretty affectionate...however, some are very loud! I have a sun conure that loves to be on me all the time. He isn't loud often, but when he's loud, he's LOUD! I live out in the country so it doesn't matter much. I think possibly the green cheek conure species is suppose to be a bit quieter, but I haven't had one so I can't say for sure. A parakeet or a cockatiel are quieter. If you decide on one of those I would suggest getting a male as they can be taught to talk easier.

If you want an affectionate bird, then get a conure. Not all birds are affectionate but conures definitely are.


Growing up I had 3 dogs and I loved them to death. I really enjoyed having a companion that loved you and enjoyed your company. Now, I have my own apartment and I am really missing having a pet. I'm not allowed to have cats or dogs though, only birds, lizards, fish etc. I really want a pet that will be as affectionate as a dog, and I was wondering if birds are the way to go. I would want a small bird, but I don't know any other specifications. I know all birds will make noise, but I was wondering if some weren't as loud as others? Thanks for any info!