> Are bats blind? how do they see?

Are bats blind? how do they see?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Are bats blind? How do they see?

Bat's are not blind.But they can't see color, bats can see better than we do at night. And, many bats can also "see" in the dark by using echolocation.

All bats have eyes. Fruit-eating bats see well. Insect-eating bats don't see very well but navigate and find prey by using echolocation.

they have sonar, and a quite efficient type too. they hunt and catch flying insects with it

Blindness may vary from one type of bat to another

Blind in the sense that their eyes are not necessarily as good as ours. But they are not blind in the sense that they cannot "see".

Are bats blind? How do they see?