Black australorps are great birds quiet friendly and lay nice brown eggs. They have a sheen to them its green so awesome.
Buff orpingtons also this breed lays a brown egg docile calm friendly type bird.
Light brahmas another heavy breed brown egg layers as well great setters and good to have for a chicken.
Barred rocks brown egg layers .
You could get peps from a hatchery might want to contact some and see if they still have some for sale or check around at a live auction for poultry or a farm sale or maybe some local folks have some they need to sell. Whater you decide to do you will enjoy the chickens they are awesome.
Buff Orpingtons are good. We have some of those. However it's kinda late in the year to get baby chickens unless you live in a warmer climate. Here it's just starting to be summer, and we got our chickens long long ago. You will want to buy adults if you want them to just start laying. I hope this helps. :) God Bless. :)
We live in a semi-urban area, so we need chickens that are good layers, but not super loud. I like the Dominique chickens, but heard they were obnoxiously loud. We only plan to get 2 or 3 of them. Anyone have any experience or know someone who does?