> Any tips for a loud Conure?

Any tips for a loud Conure?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Parrots vocalize for a number of reasons....the challenge is figuring out what that reason is. Some sub-species of conures can be very loud - in particular, Sun Conures. In fact, Sun Conures are often identified as one of the loudest parrots in general.

Without have some specific information, I can't tell you for sure why your bird is squawking so loud throughout the day, but I will give some general information to get you started.

First, "calling" is something that can be quite loud and happens in the morning and then again in the evening. This is a normal behavior for all parrots, captive and wild. It typically doesn't last long - a few minutes, maybe a half hour - and is just a typical vocalization.

When birds begin to scream and squawk, we generally begin with the assumption that they are attempting to get your attention. Does he stop when you approach him?

It's important to really observe him and his activities to help determine why he's yelling. In order to be a happy, healthy, well-adjust bird, he needs to be well stimulated. Parrots are extremely intelligent and if left to their own devices, with too little stimulation, they can develop very negative behaviors including screaming endlessly.

Here is a list of topics to look at to make sure these areas are all adequately addressed:

1. Does he have a varied, well-balanced diet that includes a pellet base, with fresh foods offered daily?

2. Does he have toys and foraging activities that interest him? Or does he just ignore the ones in his cage?

3. Is he spending enough time outside his cage each day? (Ideally, 3 to 4 hours).

4. Is he spending a lot of time interacting with you each day? (i.e. playing, training, etc.)

5. Is he getting enough exercise?

6. Is he getting enough sleep (10 to 12 hours a day)

7. Is he old enough to be experiencing hormonal surges that can change his behaviors temporarily?

Take some time to evaluate each of these questions and that should help you figure out what might be causing him to scream. You should also make him a vet appointment as soon as possible to get him a check up and talk to your vet (who knows you and your bird better than anyone here) about what might be happening. If you're not able to identify any problem right away, enlist the help of an expert - they will need to get more information from you to help figure out what's going on.

Here are some websites that can provide you with information about making sure that he is getting everything he needs and how to handle screaming - whether it's for attention (which is a very common, very likely cause) or some other reason:





Best wishes.

Through out the day he will squawk really loud(not hurt or anything) and it makes my small dog nervous and the dog shakes. The bird hasn't always done this. I think it's cause he isn't a baby anymore and found his loud voice.

Any tips? He has plenty of colorful toys,food is always full, clean cage,etc... We do let him out everyday.