> Any idea what BUG this is?

Any idea what BUG this is?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
i took a pic of a flower and in doing so, this nasty little critter with it

any clue what it is??

It is a type of True Bug called a ***** Bug. Its a terrible name, I know, but it fits, as most are pure black, with some that have spots. This one, by the shape of the head, is probably in genus Galgupha.


I too thought it seemed like a ladybug. I found this link that might show it.


From the article.

"The real surprise is that this is a Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle, Anatis labiculata. So, where are the spots, you ask? Unlike humans, who gain spots as they age, this beetle loses its spots. When they are young, they are gray with dark spots. This one is really old, with a solid purple-black case."

Note: Bill must be around. He likes to thumbs down people. Odd I know.

It's a true bug (Hemiptera) that is (or at least used to be) called a "n-e-g-r-o bug" in the family Thyreocoridae. In other words, it's not a beetle.

i took a pic of a flower and in doing so, this nasty little critter with it

any clue what it is??