> Any animals that match this description?

Any animals that match this description?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Go with one of the more unusual breeds of dog, like a saluki or an azawakh (look it up; my vet didn't know about the breed, either).

What about a Red Panda or a Coati Mundi.

How about a Goat or sheep, it's very non-standard.

If you change your mind about the dog, then you could go with a husky. That one's non-standard enough.

how about a Civet

youll be the only guy on your street with one

I'm writing a book and I want my main character to have a unique companion animal on her journey.

If you know any animals that match these descriptions... Please list them!


?preferably about the size of a small/medium size dog. (Beagle, small pit bull, etc.) not too heavy to hold at times but about up to an average humans knee if it's standing next to someone.

?ok fast, not tiny stubby legs so it couldn't keep up with a human walkingn at normal speed.

?NOT dangerous (wolf, cheetah, etc.) very unhostile!

?preferable walks on all fours. Idk that's kinda how I picture it (not like a monkey or anything!)

?unique! Not a standard pet! NOT a dog or cat or rabbit or anything people often or even sometimes really have as pets.

?just a preference but brownish fur or anything really but white, yellow, etc a normal fur color.

So yeah! Thanks for any suggestions! Please list as many as you can!