> African Grey Parrot Adoption Help!?

African Grey Parrot Adoption Help!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
When I first got my Grey there was someone home all day. That changed for a few years until I retired. Mine has a real attitude, some days he likes me sometimes he bites the hell out of me. Bit my arm this morning. Greys are awesome but do require a lot of attention. I really like Sun Conures, they arer very sweet.

yes she pluck her feather and w,ont be frandly .do you live 5 years kid by himself at home.she need attention all time to enjoy her company she,s not happy she will make your life miserable

So, I am planning to get an African Grey, but I am worried that I wont have enough time to spend with him/her. I go to school from 7-2:40. I have free time the rest of the day, but I don't know if that is enough time to interact with the parrot. I am afraid that he or she with pluck their feathers. Please Help!