This is a long shot, but my curiosity was peaked so I figured I'd ask. I went to work in Uganda (eastern Africa) last summer. While I was there, something bit me. There was no immediate pain or noticeable puncture wound. I only noticed something was wrong when my knee swelled up with... Something. Puss, presumably. Like an abscess. It seemed like something that I could squeeze and get something out of if there was a puncture wound. No drainage or anything, but this firm, palm-sized swelling that prevented me from bending my knee for two or three days. It was bright pink, hot, achy and a bit itchy, then it just went away gradually. Didn't think anything of it, but one of my friends who worked at the same place a few years back went nuts when I told her the story, and said that the same thing happened to her, except where as mine got better, hers got infected, oozed and turned purple. Anyone able to solve the buggy mystery?