taming takes time. they are pretty young, so it will be a bit easier than taming older birds.
step 1.
start by sitting by their cage and talking to them. talk softly and dont put your hand on their cage. since you just got them, it will help them get used to you, which is usful for both the taming and getting to know each other. you can read from a book out loud (talking softly) so do that for as long as you want (but more than 10 mins). do that for a few days.
step 2.
when you feel like they are getting used to you, put your hand on a perch. if they hop away, dont move your hand, but leave it there. leave it there for 5 mins and see if they try to explore your hand or no.
step 3.
whether they stepped onto your finger or no, get a treat the next time. just leave your hand there very still.
here is a good method on how to get them onto you hand. take their food out of their cage for maybe 3 hours or a bit less. birds need to eat often cuz they have a fast metabolizm. then put their food (seed or pellets) onto your hand, and if their hungry enough, they will hop onto you hand to eat. that worked with my friends SUPER wild budgies when she didnt realize they ate all their food (there are sedl shells, and she thought they were regular uneated seed).
step 4. make sure they get used to your hand.
step 5. keep on doing this until you tame them.
dont worry right now about letting them out of their cage. wait at least a week since you just got them.
you should try taming them before you let them out. i would clip their wings, but only cuz your taming them. i wouldnt clip them for no reason. if you want to clip them, do it before you start taming cuz birds hate getting their wings clipped.
if you dont want to scare the birds by taking them out with your hands, then make sure their cage is in a bird-safe room, and just open their cage and let them come out on their own.
Hi i have just got 2 budgies yesterday, they are 6 mounths (male and female) and when ever i ask someone they tell me you cant bond or tame them because they will be sticked together, is that true? and i want to open the cage fort hem but am afraid they bump into walls and hurt themselves because they are so afraid of me (especially the female she hates me and bites me whenever i put toys or put my hand inside) i tried hand feed them but i kept my hand steel with some bread but they didnt jump into my hand and eat, so can anyone help me and tell me what shall i do to open the cage or shall i wait like a mounth or so?