> A raccoon killed my two roosters?

A raccoon killed my two roosters?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The roos will be aggressive towards other intruders but are you sure its a ratcoon did you find any tracks if so get a live trap and trap the bandits they will return then relocate if able.What did the roos look like were they headless or have their crops ripped open (sorry for grafic details)

The roosters were probably aggressive, and the hens hid quietly.

Edit: Are you sure it wasn't your neighbors who like to sleep late.

I have two separate chicken coops and in one of them I have 3 hens and 2 roosters. Last night both the rooster were killed (I'm guessing raccoon) and the hens were unharmed. I've had this happen before where just the roosters were killed. Do raccoons go for roosters first? Just wondering