> 2 female lovebirds fighting!?

2 female lovebirds fighting!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
a male bird is not your answer,,,but will become a bigger problem.your females will fight more, where you could lose one of them. and breeding birds is a full time job 7 days a week best to either seperate them or you could either pair them both up in different cages...good luck

difficult thing research in google and yahoo this will help

I have 2 female lovebirds and mostly they get along, but there are days like today where the begin fighting and won't stop. The green one is always the aggressive one. She attacks the yellow one out of no where and holds her down. Earlier she had her pinned into the food dish. But then they'll be all cuddled up pruning each other. Then back to fighting. Should i get a male? I am totally ok with babies! Their cage is rather large and seperating would bre rather difficult but i will if it helps the one from being attacked all the time. She is slightly smaller than the other.